Scandinavian Cello School

22 Aug 2024

The Road to Vienna

The Road to Vienna” Follow 8 internationally award winning cellists from Scandinavian Cello School on their journey from rural Denmark to Vienna’s Musikverein: SCS Cello Ensemble & Jacob Shaw.

An exclusive collaboration between The Strad & Scandinavian Cello School / Jacob Shaw

In an industry where success tends to equal playing in the biggest halls or performing the most difficult pieces it would do classical musicians considerable good to perform in rural pubs and hospitals once in a while – let alone for a number of consecutive days. And while this is a noble sentiment that most of us dream about, Jacob has actually made it a reality and proved that it is a more-than-worthy counterpart and complement to the activities of institutions that have existed for hundreds of years.”
Rita Fernandes, The Strad – September 2024

📖 Read more here
🎶 Soundtrack Available featuring SCS Cello Ensemble Worldwide here
🎥 The Musical Farm Ep.4, “The Road to Vienna” here